Vermont: Get Support

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AALV helps new Americans from all parts of the world gain independence in their new communities through a range of integration services, including bridging case management, workforce development, behavioral health awareness, and interpreter services programming. With support from our multicultural, multilingual staff, their clients are able to smoothly transition to living and working in Vermont.

Center for Health and Learning
The Center for Health and Learning is a nonprofit organization that catalyzes initiatives that inspire optimal health for all. Its mission is to build healthy communities through educational resources, leadership training, policy development, and technical assistance. They are focused on improving school and community health. Center staff and consultants apply expertise in health and education to design training, develop resources, and carry out research and evaluation.

Connecting Cultures
In response to the mental health needs of Vermont’s expanding community of refugees, Connecting Cultures was established to serve refugees and survivors of torture. Their clinical-science specialty service utilizes a multidisciplinary, evidence-based model of mental health intervention.

Howard Center
Howard Center has a long and rich history as a trusted provider in the Vermont community. With a legacy spanning more than 150 years, they have been providing progressive, compassionate, high-quality care, support, and treatment for those in need. Founded in 1865 as an agency serving destitute children, it now offers mental health, substance use, and developmental disability services across the life span. Their staff of 1,600 provides help and support in over 60 locations throughout Vermont.

NAMI Vermont
NAMI Vermont is a statewide nonprofit, grassroots volunteer organization composed of people who live with a mental health condition, families, and advocates. They provide education, support, and advocacy on mental health issues. Their offerings include family and peer recovery support groups as well as family-to-family, mental illness and recovery, and provider education classes. With a dedicated board, over one hundred volunteers, and four staff members, NAMI Vermont provides education, advocacy, and support to those in need.

Pathways Vermont
Pathways Vermont’s mission is to end homelessness in Vermont and provide innovative mental health alternatives.

Postpartum Support International – Vermont and Central Vermont Perinatal Mental Health Coalition
These organizations promote awareness, education, prevention, and treatment of perinatal mental health issues affecting mothers, their families, and support systems in all areas of Vermont.

Support and Services at Home (SASH)
SASH coordinates the resources of social service agencies, community health providers, and nonprofit housing organizations to support Vermonters who choose to live independently at home.

UVM Medical Center
Located in Burlington, The UVM Medical Center is a regional, academic healthcare center and teaching hospital in alliance with the University of Vermont. They offer extensive mental health specialties ranging from outpatient counseling for children and adults to inpatient care for acute mental illness and 24/7 crisis response services.

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
This organization’s vision is that immigrants, refugees, and uprooted people will live dignified lives with their rights respected and protected in communities of opportunity. Their mission is to protect the rights and address the needs of persons in forced or voluntary migration worldwide and support their transition to a dignified life.

Vermont Family Network
The mission of Vermont Family Network is to empower and support all Vermont children, youth, and families, especially those with disabilities or special health needs. They do this by giving a strong start, lifting family voices, and advancing inclusive communities. Their vision is for all Vermont children and youth to reach their full potential.

Vermont Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
This organization supports families and children where a child or youth is experiencing or at risk to experience emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges. The federation provides families with peer support and information to make informed decisions. They also empower families, youth, and young adults to navigate service and support systems and advocate for accessible, flexible, and quality family-centered services on a local, state, and national level. The federation works with schools, communities, government and private agencies, and other advocacy organizations to achieve these ends.

Vermont Suicide Prevention Center (VT SPC)
VT SPC is a public-private partnership of the Center for Health and Learning with the Vermont Agency of Human Services. This organization serves as a statewide resource, fostering a sustainable approach to suicide prevention by working to build sustainable infrastructure in Vermont for suicide prevention and increase public awareness of suicide as a public health crisis. They also promote and support the implementation of effective evidence-based suicide prevention and early intervention programs and strategies in schools, communities, and Vermont institutions of higher education.