Thank you for helping us change attitudes about mental health by telling your story.
You’ve worked with our writer to prepare your written story and now we need some photos so we can add your story to the Deconstructing Stigma website.
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Submit Your Photos Here
We hope you had a good time taking your photos and you feel like they are good representations of yourself and your recovery story.
Now that you’re ready to send them to us, click on this link and follow the instructions.
Please contact us with any questions or technical issues.
Photo Submission Reminders

Choose clothing, settings, and poses that make you feel comfortable and like yourself.

Avoid logos or graphics on clothing or in the background as this can distract from your face.

As long as you are the main focus of the photo, consider including a “prop” (like the motorcycle, in this example) or activity (like water aerobics, in this example) that supports your story.

If it’s allowed, consider taking your photo in a location that has meaning to you or your story—such as in a park, at work, or in your favorite room at home.

Avoid having the sun in the background as it can make it hard to see your face. For the same reason, avoid taking photos when it’s dark or inside dimly lit spaces.

If you wear both contacts and glasses, it’s preferable to be photographed in contacts. No sunglasses, please.

Do not include potentially controversial items in your photo, such as political signs, guns, tobacco products, etc.

As much as we love them, no pets, please. Do not include other people in your photos.

The Technical Stuff
- Please submit a minimum of 5 photos and a maximum of 10.
- Please take your photos on a newer phone or digital camera. Larger file sizes are preferred. Save your photos as JPGs, please.
- No selfies, please. Have someone else take your photo and help you follow these instructions.
- Feel free to take your photos in different outfits and remember to take vertical and horizontal photos.
- Do not take black and white photos, images must be in color. Don’t add any effects to your photo. Also, be sure to avoid blurry images or ones that are out of focus.
- Don’t let the camera get too close. Wider shots are preferred—but don’t take your photo from far away, either.
- We cannot accept photos from professional photographers without their written consent.
- By sending us your photos, you are granting us permission to use them as part of your Deconstructing Stigma story.