I can change the way I think; I can improve my life
Anne had always dreamed of becoming a mother. Fantasizing about having children of her own for much of her life, her expectations were shattered the moment that she gave birth to her son.
The reality of motherhood turned out to be very different from the life that she had pictured for herself—postpartum depression set in, and it carried a feeling of immense shame.
As a mom with postpartum depression, everyone assumes that means you want to kill or harm your child. But for me, my postpartum was different. I wanted to die or run away—I wanted my old life back.
I did not want to be a mom from the moment he was born. My whole life, I wanted to be a mom, and I was so disappointed the moment it happened. So, I felt very embarrassed by that.
In addition to the internal battle Anne faced with her new family dynamic, communicating how she honestly felt with her husband and son posed a challenge as well. Anne had to navigate the complex reality of both loving her son and resenting motherhood.
It can be excruciating at times. Sometimes, I still feel like I’m experiencing postpartum depression. My son is going to be 7 soon and I still find myself thinking, ‘I can’t believe I have to do this forever.’ I feel like I just want my old life back even though I love my son so much. I keep a lot of that inside.
With the depression affecting her work, Anne reached a tipping point when she was let go from her job. She began to believe that she was not good enough and had feelings of wanting to die. So, Anne reached out for help.
She pursued further mental health treatment and discovered that she has borderline personality disorder (BPD). Instead of feeling like a punishment, the diagnosis empowered her.
It gave me, for the first time, an identity, as silly as that sounds. It made me realize, ‘Oh, that’s what’s wrong with me,’ and ‘Here’s why,’ through past events and things in my life. It makes sense. It’s not just spontaneous, and I’m not depressed for no reason. I’d still rather be a normal person without these struggles, but it’s also comforting to have an answer.
Although the diagnosis brought her relief, Anne has also faced the stigma that BPD carries. She finds that many of the people around her do not understand the day-to-day reality of the diagnosis. A couple of family members even thought of mental health as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for oneself and assumed she just wanted attention.
However, Anne feels the impacts of BPD on a more profound level than many give her credit for.
I feel like I’m struggling every second of the day. I wish people could understand that. If somebody looks at me the wrong way, that could ruin my whole day. It’s this weird fear of abandonment, and it doesn’t matter because they might just be a person that I work with or someone that I see at the coffee shop every day.
But then the opposite of that is when someone smiles at me or treats me kindly, I’m like, ‘Oh my God, they love me; I am amazing.’ I get this high from outside validation, and it’s not sustainable.
Although Anne’s diagnosis helped her understand the “why” behind her thoughts and behaviors, she sought further help at a partial hospitalization program to treat her increasing suicidality and depression. Even though she had chosen to be there, Anne felt conflicted about being at the program, but ultimately, the patients were where she found hope.
Finding a community of like-minded women helped Anne immensely in her recovery. Before the partial program, she felt isolated in her thoughts and feelings. However, the vulnerability of the other patients throughout the program pushed her to grow and connect with others.
It made me realize that I’m not alone at all in these thoughts. Hearing their stories, I am not alone at all. We have this group text where we just check in on each other once a week. We are all still connected and caring for each other.
With the support of these women, her family, and tools like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Anne feels that she is gaining the ability to manage her symptoms. She admits that some days are harder than others.
There are still days when I feel like things are completely out of my control, and I hate my life and can’t get better. But deep down, I know that it’s in my control. There are so many tools out there, like DBT, to get me through this.
I can change the way I think, and that is empowering because I can improve my life.